Success Stories
The Associated Builders and Contractors of WI
Challenge: ABC was looking for a location to hold their annual meeting and fundraiser in the area on short notice. They were unfamiliar with the Eau Claire Area and what there was to offer and called us for guidance.
Solution: After listening to the specific needs we contacted members of Visit Eau Claire to determine if their needs could be met and on their fast approaching deadline. Our staff sent over pictures, diagrams and menus of the various locations that could accommodate their group.
Outcome: With the help of our staff ABC was able to coordinate and book their annual meeting and fundraiser on short notice. We were able to have them contract with the Plaza Hotel and Suites for their annual meetings and enjoy a fun interactive cocktail hour at the Sweetwaters.
Western Regional Foster Care Fall Conference
Challenge: The WI State Foster Care Conference is broken into regional committees and those committees are in charge of planning and coordinating the meetings and conferences. The local contact called us and wanted help locating a site for their annual conference.
Solution: After collecting all information and sites that would work for the group, two dates were given and the committee was able to select one of the dates for the tour. The first site tour was a success and the group left knowing that they had narrowed the site down to two properties.
Outcome: The group was able to walk through the two sites with seasoned sales teams who painted a picture of what the property would be like during their stay. After the two tours, the group was able to select a site and also take advantage of the complimentary services that were provided by Visit Eau Claire.