Kick, push, and coast through Eau Claire, and discover the talented, wonderful world of skateboarding! We teamed up with our friend Chris Johnson, a local skateboarding enthusiast and host of Passion Pod, to shout out the sport, learn about the rise of skateboarding in Eau Claire, and where to experience the thrill of skateboarding. Check out our brief video with Chris and learn about his journey below. Let's ride!

SkatE PaRks in Eau ClaiRe

Boyd Park

Eau Claire's newest skate park can be found in Boyd Park along the Eau Claire River. This skating sanctuary is located just outside of downtown Eau Claire and was a 10-year-long project in the city. After construction was completed in 2023, skateboarders in Eau Claire gained access to multiple ramps, half pipes, stairs, railings, a hip, and more. The skate park is 5,200 square-foot skate park invites skateboarders, rollerblades, and trick bikes to utilize the beautiful addition to Eau Claire's skateboarding world. Click here to learn more Boyd Park's skate park, playground, and other outdoor facilities.

Lakeshore Skate Park

Skate to the other side of Eau Claire to experience the thrill and beauty of Eau Claire's first skating plaza at Lakeshore Park. The skate park overlooks Half Moon Lake and is located right along the Chippewa River State Trail. Lakeshore's skateboarding area is about 2,000 square feet and now caters to beginner-level skaters. Here, skateboards can experiment with stairs, railings, and low curbs, but there isn't the intimidation of pipes and bowls. This park will forever be a special place to Eau Claire's skateboards as it's the city's first skate park, and for many years, was the only place to skate!

CoMing SoOn: The CaNnery SkatE PaRk

A new skateboard park is coming to Eau Claire in 2024! The Cannery District developments are well underway, and the park will feature a brand-new skating area in the midst of new commercial and residential buildings. Stay tuned for announcements regarding the opening of the Cannery Park!

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