Eau Claire, Wis. (January 11, 2022) - Visit Eau Claire is proud to announce its new partnership with Sculpture Tour Eau Claire. Sculpture Tour Eau Claire is an ongoing public art exhibit that installs outdoor sculptures along the public streets of downtown Eau Claire. Sculptures are typically exhibited for 11 months and are free to the public. Artists are paid a stipend for the display of their work. All sculptures and artwork are offered for sale.
Eau Claire currently has 55 sculptures valued at over $500,000, making it the second-largest rotating outdoor sculpture tour in the United States. With Visit Eau Claire as the operating agent, the organization plans on expanding and becoming the largest sculpture tour in the nation during 2022. Julie Pangallo, who served as Sculpture Tour Eau Claire’s executive director, will be joining the Visit Eau Claire staff as the public arts and events support manager to assist with the tour and other public art initiatives.
“I am beyond excited to be able to continue working with the Sculpture Tour through Visit Eau Claire and growing it even more,” said Pangallo. “The sculptures and other art throughout Eau Claire are what makes our city so unique, and I am excited to continue expanding the Sculpture Tour with the various resources that Visit Eau Claire offers.”
Already one of the area’s greatest tourism attractions, becoming the largest tour in the nation is anticipated to increase the number of sculptures, visitors and opportunities in not only the creative economy but in the tourism economy as well. Locations for additional sculptures and murals are currently being considered and anyone interested in sponsoring the tour or requesting to be on the tour should email Julie Pangallo at julie@visiteauclaire.com.