Eau Claire is being recognized nationally for things many of you already know and appreciate. Eau Claire has been named an All America city by the National Civic League.

"I like that I can walk from my house to downtown, to the parks, and I can bring kids with me and feel safe," said Rosli Bragger of Eau Claire.

Residents now have one more reason to enjoy living in Eau Claire. Over the weekend, the National Civic League named Eau Claire one of its ten All America cities. It's the first time since 2003 a Wisconsin city has been recognized.

"It really puts the city on the map. It makes it known that this is a great place to live, work, and play. And it will help in our economic development efforts," said Russ Van Gompel, Eau Claire City Manager.

The group representing Eau Claire pitched three things; Clear Vision, the health chapter added to the comprehensive plan, and Phoenix Park.

Original article by Andrea Albers - WQOW.

Read full article here.