Sculpture Tour Sponsorship Information

Eau Claire can't be home to the #1 largest Sculpture Tour in the nation without your support! Our sponsors aid us in amplifying the public art scene in our region and play a part in providing accessible, public art for all ages to enjoy year-round. Browse different sponsorship opportunities available for the Eau Claire Sculpture Tour below or by viewing the PDF version at the button below.

Site Sponsorship - $6000 for 3 Years (billed annually) or $2,200 1-Year
  • (1) Post on the Sculpture Tour Facebook page - showcasing site sponsorship and including sponsor business tag
  • Logo on with a link back to your business website
  • Business listing featured on
  • Business name on site plaque that includes the artist and sculpture name
  • Business name in site photo caption in the photo gallery on
  • Tickets to private Artist Reception
Event Sponsorship - $5,000
  • "Site Sponsorship" benefits listed above
  • Business logo featured on Sculpture Tour Artist Reception invite
  • On-site business announcement at Sculpture Tour Artist Reception
  • Business recognition on Sculpture Tour Facebook page promoting the Artist Reception
People's Choice Sponsorship - $20,000
  • "Site Sponsorship" benefits listed above
  • Business logo featured on online People's Choice voting form
  • Sponsorship recognition for People's Choice sculpture on People's Choice photo gallery on
  • Announcement of People's Choice winner on Visit Eau Claire's e-newsletter with sponsor recognition
Friends of the Sculpture Tour - Minimum $250 Donation
  • Name featured on

Contact Us to Learn More

Julie Pangallo Summer Headshot

Julie Pangallo

Public Arts & Events Support Manager