Banks for Art
‘BANKS FOR ART’ engages local banks and credit unions in yearly support of the Eau Claire Public Arts Council. Your support helps us promote the power of public art by recognizing that visual arts promote true prosperity. Funds received go directly towards projects, initiatives and partnerships.*
Founded in 2017 at the request of the City of Eau Claire, the Council also acts as a liaison between artists, residents, civic leaders, local neighborhoods and businesses. We work to revitalize and share the rich history and significance of visual arts in our creative economy. Projects like ‘Banks for Art’ help us partner with, engage and enlist our financial institutions in the beautification of our thriving city. Learn more about Eau Claire Public Arts Council and what we do here.
A few initiatives include the following:
- Murals in Downtown Eau Claire, including the ‘VOTE’ murals at Ramone’s and Details.
- Workshops to demonstrate the importance of art in increasing community awareness in the area of Racial Literacy, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
- ‘Celebrating the History of Visual Arts in Eau Claire’; a first of its kind booklet that will raise community awareness and appreciation for the rich history of visual arts in Eau Claire, and acknowledge our city as a major art center in Western Wisconsin.
- ‘We are the Chippewa Valley’; an initiative where we will enlist 12 local artists of racial and ethnic diversity to create representations of their culture, people and families, to be depicted on calendars, postcard and City bus wraps.
Projects and partnerships include the following:
- ‘We’re All In’; a project and partnership with WEDC (Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.) and Arts Wisconsin. They have provided a starting grant for our Arts Council, through which we have enlisted 3 local struggling artists in ‘Connecting our Community with Compassion and Words’ through visual artwork that fosters civic engagement, inclusion and collaboration.
- Creative Economy Week; a yearly (May) celebration of our creative economy, previously conducted in partnership with Sculpture Tour DECI, Pablo Center, Visit Eau Claire and area arts groups.
Learn more about all of our upcoming projects here. Interested in being a sponsor? Contact us at
Eau Claire Public Arts Council 'Banks for Art' Recognition
BENEFACTOR ($10,000+)
Print & Web
- Social media; your business/organization will be referenced on all applicable posts related to major ECPAC events and projects
- Website; your business/organization will be shown on ECPAC website
- Logo on all print ads and pamphlets
- Logo featured on banners created for the event
- Free full-page color ad in programs and newsletters
- Verbal acknowledgement of sponsor at all events, workshops and celebrations
- Option to place bank/credit union information in 300+ Arts Council bags for distribution
- Invitation to attend the Artists' private reception following events* (COVID guidelines followed)
- Option to speak briefly at our major events
- Up to 10 free tickets to paid ECPAC events and celebrations
- Corporate info tent at public installations and events
COLLECTOR ($5,000-$9,999)
Print & Web
- Social media; your business/organization will be referenced on all applicable posts related to major ECPAC events and projects
- Website; your business/organization will be shown on ECPAC website
- Logo on all print ads and pamphlets
- Logo featured on banners created for the event
- Free half-page blk & wht ad in programs and newsletters
- Verbal acknowledgment of sponsor at all events, workshops and celebrations
- Option to place bank/credit union information in 300+ Arts Council bags for distribution
- Invitation to attend the Artists' private reception following events
- Option to speak briefly at our major events
ARTIST ($1,001-$4,999)
Print & Web
- Social media; your business/organization will be referenced on all applicable posts related to major ECPAC events and projects
- Website; your business/organization will be shown on ECPAC website
- Logo on all print ads and pamphlets
- Logo featured on banners created for the event
- Free quarter page blk&wht ad in programs and newsletters
- Verbal acknowledgment of sponsor at all events, workshops and celebrations
- Option to place bank/credit union information in 300+ Arts Council bags for distribution
- Introduction to bank/credit union leaders
APPRENTICE ($400-$1,000)
Print & Web
- Social media; your business/organization will be referenced on all applicable posts related to major ECPAC events and projects
- Website; your business/organization will be shown on ECPAC website
- Logo on all print ads and pamphlets
- Verbal acknowledgment of sponsor at all events, workshops and celebrations
- Option to place bank/credit union information in 300+ Arts Council bags for distribution
CULTIVATOR (Any amount)
If you want to support access to public art through the mission and goals of the ECPAC, we will graciously accept donations at any level. Please contact us at to make a donation.