
Calvary Baptist Church

Thank you for your interest in Calvary as a possible church home. Here are some highlights of who they are so you can make an informed decision about visiting. · They believe the Bible to be God’s perfect and complete revelation of himself to mankind, and it is the basis for all that we do and for how we live. · It is their passion to know God, to love God, and to serve God according to His divine purpose. · Their whole ministry can be summarized in this Vision Statement – Calvary exists to Connect People to God. · You will discover three significant characteristics about the people who attend Calvary: o   They are Loving – they love God and they love people o   They are Growing – they are devoted to spiritual growth and becoming more like Christ o   They are Serving – they provide multiple opportunities for every Christ-follower to serve God by serving people. Sound inviting? It is. Visit them on Sunday morning for coffee fellowship at 9:45. Their worship service starts at 10:15. Check out all the ministries they have at They have AWANA, Children’s and youth ministries, men’s and women’s ministries, and lots of faith-building Bible studies. But most of all, catch the spirit of love that exists here – love for God and love for each other. You will discover there’s room for you too.